The Canary Islands Maritime Cluster, within the framework of the actions planned in the INTERREG-MAC 2014-2020 projects: SMART BLUE and NAUTICON, and as part of the Innovation Days planned as part of the CIDE NETWORK, organized, last Thursday 28th February, the day: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR A MARINE-MARITIME SECTOR 4.0, in the Assembly Hall of the Port Authority of Las Palmas.

Among the speakers were relevant organizations with technological projects of great application in marine companies, and especially in the naval and port auxiliary industry, as they are:  ZIMA CORP-DRONE SPAIN (, CAN BE CLOUD (, EDATACONSULTING (, NAVANTIA (, GHENOVA INGENIERÍA (

The conference was opened by Mr. Octavio Llinás- Vice president of the Canary Islands Maritime Cluster and director of the Canary Islands Oceanic Platform PLOCAN, Mr. Esteban del Nero Beneitez- Director of Planning and Management of the Port Authority of Las Palmas, D. Antonio López Gulías, Head of the area of coordination and Interrelation of research, Innovation and Information Society of the Canary Islands Government, who highlighted the importance of the development on innovative projects in the productive activity of the maritime division, as well as the implementation of collaborative projects with technology companies in the line proposed by this conference.

The conference, with full capacity, had an inscription of 94 people, mainly from the business and academic sector.

The interesting presentations were the following (which you can download attached):

– Use of Drones and Smart Manufacturing in the Naval Industry 4.0, by Mr. Toni Lonjedo Barceló – Technology Director at ZIMA CORP-DRONE SPAIN ( Presentation: 1º Zima

– Challenges and opportunities of Cybersecurity in port companies, by Mr. Javier Paredes Aguilar-Project Director at CAN BE CLOUD ( Presentation: 2º CanBeCloud

– The improvement of business processes through the use of applications, by Mr. Andrés del Pino Bolaños – COO, and Cristina Ramos – Sales Manager at EDATACONSULTING ( Presentation: 3rd edataconsulting

– Experience of Additive Manufacturing in the Naval sector, by Mr. Victor Casal López – Head of the Additive Manufacturing Research Line at NAVANTIA ( Presentation: 4º Navantia

– Successful Collaborative Project: Application of augmented reality in Naval Repair – Mast -Project, by Mr. Javier Pamies Durá – Centre Director of Vigo in GHENOVA ENGINEERING ( Presentation: 5º Ghenova

They dealt with topics of great interest to attendees such as the use of drones or robotization of execution processes, control or inspection, the risks of cybercrime we face today, mobile applications that can facilitate the development of processes and control and use data, the profitability of additive manufacturing when manufacturing parts to measure or specific, or when we have very short delivery times, as well as the benefits of launching collaborative projects developing technological solutions that reduce production costs, customer loyalty or improve the quality of work.

The closing oversaw D. Elba Bueno Cabrera, Manager of the Maritime Cluster of the Canary Islands, as finalizing the event a cocktail party was made, in which the speakers and assistants could interact to exchange business cards and to extend information.

The Cluster plans to continue organising conferences with this degree of interest for the marine business sector throughout 2019.